Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Whole collection > KOTAK TAJI - COCKSPUR CASES > TOBO-00710 > View all pictures of this artwork > Picture-4796 (large)

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This case is made in the shape of a man, Bhuta, and he carries a fruit from the pandan plant in his left hand. His full name in Balinese is BHUTA NGABA SARI, ngaba is coherent to the tribe ABA, meaning; holding on, to carry. A similar demon can be found on Balinese kris-hefts as well. (With thanks to Hedi Hinzler)
This case is made in the shape of a man, Bhuta, and he carries a fruit from the pandan plant in his left hand. His full name in Balinese is BHUTA NGABA SARI, ngaba is coherent to the tribe ABA, meaning; holding on, to carry. A similar demon can be found on Balinese kris-hefts as well. (With thanks to Hedi Hinzler)
Very good quality
Mint The whole case is original; the matching knives are still in the case.

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