Art from Bali and Indonesia
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Whole collection > KOTAK TAJI - COCKSPUR CASES > TOBO-00674 > View all pictures of this artwork > Picture-4640 (large)

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Six wooden cockspur cases in the shape of Delem, one of the four clown servants in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. His brother is Sangut, and the other two servants are Twalen and Merdah. Bali or Lombok.
In the puppet play the wayang kulit leather puppets are moved against a screen. These puppets represent hero's and other figures from the Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahaharata. In Bali children as well as adults watch those performances, which give them a direction and meaning in their lives. In the Mahabharata story the battle is shown between the Pandawa's and the Korawa's. Every Pandawa represents a certain type; Yoedhisthira; the mystic, Ardjoena, the romantic hero; Bima, the noble warrior. Clowns will serve as a comic intermezzo. The clowns Twalen and Merdah are on the good side, Sangut and Delem are evil. Their dialogues are funny and sometimes even obscene.
Very good quality
in proper condition

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